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Hỏi về Pagination của theme Blanco

Chủ đề thuộc danh mục 'WordPress' được đăng bởi duyphung, 19/5/14.

Lượt xem: 2,533

  1. duyphung Mới đăng kí

    Ai đã sử dụng qua Theme bán hàng Blanco bản 2.9.2 hỗ trợ plugin wp-e-commerce hoặc woo-ecommerce có thể cho mình hỏi tí về Pagination.
    Mình bị vấn đề khi tùy chỉnh Permalinks sang định dạng Custom Structure: %postname% ->
    - Đối với plugin wp-e-commerce thì cái Pagination ko hoạt động được. Cụ thể là nhấn sang trang 2 là nó báo Not found vì nó ko hiểu cái URL sao khi rewrite với Permalinks.
    - Còn đối với plugin woo-ecommerce thì vẫn phân trang được nhưng cái banner phía trên thì ko load lên được.
    Đây là phần code:
    function etheme_pagination($totalpages = '', $per_page = '', $current_page = '', $page_link = '') {
    global $wp_query;
    $num_paged_links = 4; //amount of links to show on either side of current page

    $showFirstPageLink = false;
    $showLastPageLink = false;

    $additional_links = '';

    //additional links, items per page and products order
    if( get_option('permalink_structure') != '' ){
    $additional_links_separator = '?';
    $additional_links_separator = '&';
    if( !empty( $_GET['items_per_page'] ) ){
    $additional_links = $additional_links_separator . 'items_per_page=' . $_GET['items_per_page'];
    $additional_links_separator = '&';
    if( !empty( $_GET['product_order'] ) )
    $additional_links .= $additional_links_separator . 'product_order=' . $_GET['product_order'];

    $additional_links = apply_filters('wpsc_pagination_additional_links', $additional_links);
    //end of additional links

    $totalpages = $wp_query->max_num_pages;
    $per_page = (int)get_option('wpsc_products_per_page');

    $current_page = absint( get_query_var('paged') );
    if($current_page == 0)
    $current_page = 1;

    $page_link = wpsc_a_page_url();

    //if there is no pagination
    if(!get_option('permalink_structure')) {
    $category = '?';
    $category = '?wpsc_product_category='.$wp_query->query_vars['wpsc_product_category'];
    if(isset($wp_query->query_vars['wpsc_product_category']) && is_string($wp_query->query_vars['wpsc_product_category'])){

    $page_link = get_option('blogurl').$category.'&paged';
    $page_link = get_option('product_list_url').$category.'&paged';

    $separator = '=';
    if ( isset( $wp_query->query_vars['wpsc_product_category'] ) ) {
    $category_id = get_term_by( 'slug', $wp_query->query_vars['wpsc_product_category'], 'wpsc_product_category' );
    $page_link = trailingslashit( get_term_link( $category_id, 'wpsc_product_category' ) );
    } else {
    $page_link = trailingslashit( get_option( 'product_list_url' ) );
    $separator = 'page/';

    // If there's only one page, return now and don't bother
    if($totalpages == 1)
    // Pagination Prefix
    $output = __('Pages: ','wpsc');

    // Should we show the FIRST PAGE link?
    if($current_page > 1 && $showFirstPageLink)
    $output .= "<a href=\"". esc_url( $page_link . $additional_links ) . "\" title=\"" . __('First Page', 'wpsc') . "\">" . __('&laquo; First', 'wpsc') . "</a>";

    // Should we show the PREVIOUS PAGE link?
    if($current_page > 1) {
    $previous_page = $current_page - 1;
    if( $previous_page == 1 )
    $output .= " <a class='prev_page' href=\"". esc_url( $page_link . $additional_links ) . "\" title=\"" . __('Previous Page', 'wpsc') . "\">" . __('&lt; Previous', 'wpsc') . "</a>";
    $output .= " <a class='prev_page' href=\"". esc_url( $page_link .$separator. $previous_page . $additional_links ) . "\" title=\"" . __('Previous Page', 'wpsc') . "\">" . __('&lt; Previous', 'wpsc') . "</a>";
    $i =$current_page - $num_paged_links;
    $count = 1;
    if($i <= 0) $i =1;
    while($i < $current_page){
    if($count <= $num_paged_links){
    if($count == 1)
    $output .= " <a href=\"". esc_url( $page_link . $additional_links ) . "\" title=\"" . sprintf( __('Page %s', 'wpsc'), $i ) . " \">".$i."</a>";
    $output .= " <a href=\"". esc_url( $page_link .$separator. $i . $additional_links ) . "\" title=\"" . sprintf( __('Page %s', 'wpsc'), $i ) . " \">".$i."</a>";
    // Current Page Number
    if($current_page > 0)
    $output .= "<span class='current'>$current_page</span>";

    //Links after Current Page
    $i = $current_page + $num_paged_links;
    $count = 1;

    if($current_page < $totalpages){
    while(($i) > $current_page){

    if($count < $num_paged_links && ($count+$current_page) <= $totalpages){
    $output .= " <a href=\"". esc_url( $page_link .$separator. ($count+$current_page) .$additional_links ) . "\" title=\"" . sprintf( __('Page %s', 'wpsc'), ($count+$current_page) ) . "\">".($count+$current_page)."</a>";
    $count ++;

    if($current_page < $totalpages) {
    $next_page = $current_page + 1;
    $output .= "<a href=\"". esc_url( $page_link .$separator. $next_page . $additional_links ) . "\" title=\"" . __('Next Page', 'wpsc') . "\">" . __('Next &gt;', 'wpsc') . "</a>";
    // Should we show the LAST PAGE link?
    if($current_page < $totalpages) {
    $output .= "<a href=\"". esc_url( $page_link .$separator. $totalpages . $additional_links ) . "\" title=\"" . __('Last Page', 'wpsc') . "\">" . __('Last &raquo;', 'wpsc') . "</a>";
    } else {
    // Should we show the FIRST PAGE link?
    if($current_page > 1 && $showFirstPageLink)
    $output .= "<a href=\"". remove_query_arg('paged' ) . "\" title=\"" . __('First Page', 'wpsc') . "\">" . __('&laquo; First', 'wpsc') . "</a>";

    // Should we show the PREVIOUS PAGE link?
    if($current_page > 1) {
    $previous_page = $current_page - 1;
    if( $previous_page == 1 )
    $output .= " <a class='prev_page' href=\"". remove_query_arg( 'paged' ) . $additional_links . "\" title=\"" . __('Previous Page', 'wpsc') . "\">" . __('&lt; Previous', 'wpsc') . "</a>";
    $output .= " <a class='prev_page' href=\"". add_query_arg( 'paged', ($current_page - 1) ) . $additional_links . "\" title=\"" . __('Previous Page', 'wpsc') . "\">" . __('&lt; Previous', 'wpsc') . "</a>";
    $i =$current_page - $num_paged_links;
    $count = 1;
    if($i <= 0) $i =1;
    while($i < $current_page){
    if($count <= $num_paged_links){
    if($i == 1)
    $output .= " <a href=\"". remove_query_arg('paged' ) . "\" title=\"" . sprintf( __('Page %s', 'wpsc'), $i ) . " \">".$i."</a>";
    $output .= " <a href=\"". add_query_arg('paged', $i ) . "\" title=\"" . sprintf( __('Page %s', 'wpsc'), $i ) . " \">".$i."</a>";
    // Current Page Number
    if($current_page > 0)
    $output .= "<span class='current'>$current_page</span>";

    //Links after Current Page
    $i = $current_page + $num_paged_links;
    $count = 1;

    if($current_page < $totalpages){
    while(($i) > $current_page){

    if($count < $num_paged_links && ($count+$current_page) <= $totalpages){
    $output .= " <a href=\"". add_query_arg( 'paged', ($count+$current_page) ) . "\" title=\"" . sprintf( __('Page %s', 'wpsc'), ($count+$current_page) ) . "\">".($count+$current_page)."</a>";
    $count ++;

    if($current_page < $totalpages) {
    $next_page = $current_page + 1;
    $output .= "<a class='next_page' href=\"". add_query_arg( 'paged', $next_page ) . "\" title=\"" . __('Next Page', 'wpsc') . "\">" . __('Next &gt;', 'wpsc') . "</a>";
    // Should we show the LAST PAGE link?
    if($current_page < $totalpages && $showLastPageLink) {
    $output .= "<a href=\"". add_query_arg( 'paged', $totalpages ) . "\" title=\"" . __('Last Page', 'wpsc') . "\">" . __('Last &raquo;', 'wpsc') . "</a>";
    // Return the output.
    echo $output;

    Mình tải theme Blanco bản 2.9.2 về dùng thử và bị như trên, ai đã dùng qua mà khắc phục được xin chỉ giúp. Thanks!

    Y: DJpro_01
    Sky: duyphung1988
    E: duyphung1988@gmail.com

    Chỉnh sửa lần cuối: 20/5/14
  2. duyphung

    duyphung Mới đăng kí

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