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10 trang web bạn không nên bỏ qua khi tìm tòi UI Element Designs – PSD Download

Chủ đề thuộc danh mục 'Kinh nghiệm / Kiến thức dành cho designer' được đăng bởi mgr, 23/5/14.

Lượt xem: 14,467

  1. mgr Cựu quản trị

    Không phải ai cũng biết đến những trang này :D mình cũng khá bất ngờ khi đọc bài viết, vì có 1 số site rất hay mà ngay cả mình suốt ngày ''lục lọi'' cũng chưa từng đặt chân đến :3 bài viết dành cho bạn nào chưa biết hay newbie muốn học hỏi nghiêm túc nhé, ko dành cho các lão làng nhưng lại thích gõ phím :v

    Bài viết bằng tiếng anh, mình làm biếng dịch, nhưng thực sự nhìn sơ là hiểu rồi, không thì cứ vào thử mấy trang thì biết nó là cái gì :) cùng tìm hiểu nhé!

    About UICloud
    UICloud is a project created by Double-J Design. It collects the best UI element designs from the internet all over the world and provides a search engine for you to find the best UI element that you need. We are aiming to create the biggest platform for designers to showcase their top user interface designs and for developer to get the best UI elements for their project easily and quickly.

    All the works published on UICloud are under certain licenses. Authors’ information has been provided and it is the viewers’ responsibility to check the license and use the art works in the appropriate way. If you are the author of the artworks and there is any issue with the resources or pages within our website, please contact us and we are happy to revise according to your requirement.


    PixelsDaily is a collection of free and commercial resources for designers.

    It’s pretty simple. Any free resources are just that — completely free for you to use, incorporate in your designs, and build upon. We’re giving something back to the design community, and sharing our love of design.

    If you’d like to support the site, you can purchase one of our commercial items through the Envato Marketplaces. We’ll receive a small kick-back for all purchases made, and you’ll be helping to support the ongoing creation of free resources.

    Free Resource Licensing
    All our free resources are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license. This license lets you distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as you credit Pixels Daily for the original creation.

    Commercial Resource Licensing
    All commercial resources are sold through the Envato Marketplaces. These are covered by different license agreements depending upon the product purchased. Please read Envato’s legal agreements for more information.

    PSDHunter provides an easy, central location to search for Adobe Photoshop PSD files, as well as brushes, textures, patterns, styles and gradients from around the web, saving you time and getting you the resources you need within a few clicks.
    For a list of websites that we currently search, please see our sources.

    If you’d like to add your website to our index, please contact us.

    You can find our sources, privacy policy, terms of use and contact information in the footer.

    Note: None of the PSDs or other files you find through PSDHunter are hosted on this website. We only link to the original page where you can download the file.


    365 PSD
    download a free psd every day.

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    Download Amazing User Interface Kit Free PSD.



    Designmodo is a great resource of informative material for designers and web developers. We are makers of highly-rated User Interface Packs, you can get acquainted with Designmodo shop here, and you can download a couple of other ui packs for free.

    There are several categories you could browse through, depending on your interests like Web Design and Web Development, Tips and Tutorials, WordPress, Inspiration and such.

    If you are not into going through all our articles and you are interested in a certain thing, you can just use our search box.

    If you would like to advertise your design oriented business or website on Designmodo, check out our Advertise page for more information or check our listing at BuySellAds and see the variety of advertisingoptions we offer.

    If you have a blog, website, email list or Social Media accounts then you can join the Affiliate Program and earn a 25% commission on every purchase. When a visitor comes to our website and buy our Products from your link, you get 25% cut on every purchase the user makes. Expect to receive your affiliate share between 12th and 15th of the following month.

    Did you know that “modo” is the Italian and Spanish for “method”,”manner” or “way” and the Latin for “now, just now, only”. Well we are happy to let you know that here at DesignModo we have our own way to share only creative designs and useful tips with all of you and we do it with pleasure.

    P.S. We launched (Beta) on August, Friday 13th, 2010, official release February 2011.

    Webdesignerdepot.com – Free UI Download
    WDD is a powerful collaboration between worldwide leading designers eager to share their knowledge. Expert designers from around the globe regularly contribute articles, features, and tutorials to help grow the designcommunity.



    Vector & Psd Freebies : Templates, Mock-ups, Websites, Icons




    Nguồn: depla.net

    Chỉnh sửa lần cuối: 23/5/14
  2. kids0407

    kids0407 Mới đăng kí

    Mình xin bổ sung thêm
    mgr thích bài viết này
  3. nguyenthao811

    nguyenthao811 Thành viên cấp 2

    Mình mới biết có 3/10 web bác thớt đưa, thank kiu bác nhiều nhiều :x
    mgr thích bài viết này
  4. avdmedia.net

    avdmedia.net Thành viên cấp 2

    đánh dấu
    thanks thớt :D
    mgr thích bài viết này
  5. Trần Duy Hoàng

    Trần Duy Hoàng Thành viên cấp 3

    oánh dấu
    mgr thích bài viết này
  6. ducbito

    ducbito Thành viên cấp 1

    Oánh Dấu nuôn và ngay
    mgr thích bài viết này
  7. lebaotrung

    lebaotrung Thành viên cấp 1

    ko thể bỏ qua được
    mgr thích bài viết này
  8. tttt141

    tttt141 Thành viên cấp 1

    mgr thích bài viết này

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