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[TP. Hồ Chí Minh] Tuyển 2 UI/UX Designer và 3 PHP Developer

Chủ đề thuộc danh mục 'Tuyển dụng việc làm' được đăng bởi hiepdesign, 10/10/14.

Lượt xem: 1,671

  1. hiepdesign Thành viên cấp 1

    Công ty Codeforce 100% vốn đầu tư của Tây Ban Nha, hoạt động trong lĩnh vực lập trình phần mềm, thiết kế website, …Hiện nay, công ty đang cần tuyển gấp một số vị trí cho văn phòng mới của công ty.
    Công ty có môi trường làm việc chuyên nghiệp, thân thiện, nhiều ưu đãi và hỗ trợ cho nhân viên.

    I. Company overview:
    Codeforce is a web application software house. We develop new technologies for international clients. We work with the latest technologies to provide cutting edge functionality.

    II. Job Description
    For our Vietnam office Codeforce is looking to build a new team of skilled software engineers and interface designers to work alongside our Spanish office to create groundbreaking software solutions.

    1. Position: UI-UX Designer : 2 persons
    Job Requirement
    Experience with: iOS design, Android design, front-end design, OSX design, interaction design, GUI design or usability.
    Strong interaction design skills, with wire-framing and prototyping (paper, Adobe Photoshop, PowerPoint, Axure, Balsamiq, Mockflow, etc.)
    Experience in Adobe Photoshop, PowerPoint, Sketch, Vision, Omnigraffle, Axure and Illustrator
    Experience and understanding of site architecture, user experience, color theory and color management on the web, proper file formats, compression methods and techniques, etc
    Understand User Interface design principles
    Passion for elegant design
    Ability to self-study and to update new technology and identify technological opportunities.
    Experience Model View Controller frameworks
    Excellent communication skills
    Very positive optimistic attitude
    Strong written and verbal communication skills
    Having at least 2-years of working experience in the same position and having excellent in UX / UE
    (please attach your porfolio with CV when applying to this position)

    2. Position: PHP Developer : 3 persons
    Job Requirement
    - 2-3 years experience preferred.
    - Angular JS preffered
    - Mobile App development experience preffered
    - Experience Model View Controller frameworks
    - PHP programming
    - MySQL language
    - XML/JSON
    - HTML/CSS
    - HTML5
    - JavaScript (JQuery, Ajax, etc.)
    - Software engineering tools: version control, knowledge repository
    - Strong analytical skills, recognizes problems and find ways to solve them
    - Good English communication skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing)
    - Attention to details and a complete understanding of web standards
    - Time-responsibility: respecting deadlines
    - Proactive and high sense of responsibility, self-motivated, willing to learn, hardworking and result oriented.
    - Ability to self-study and to update new technology and identify technological opportunities.

    III. Salary and benefit: 7.000.000- 18.000.000 VND/ month
    . Salary
    Codeforce pays a competitive base salary in Ho Chi Minh City labor market. We also appraise and pay our employees based on their performance, contribution, and attitude.
    AwardsCodeforce recognizes and honors the employees with special contributions or outstanding achievements in both business and non-business activities of the company in forms of different awards:
    · Most Valuable Person Award (Quarterly)
    · Annual Award (Yearly)
    Insurance Serivices
    Codeforce gives employees extensive care in terms of various insurance services in accordance with the Insurance Law of Vietnam Labor Code and the Insurance Policy of the company

    IV. Working location:
    Phu Nu Tower, 20 Nguyễn Đăng Giai, Thảo Điền ward, Dist 2.
    Working time: 08.00- 17.00; Monday – Friday

    V. Contact: Ms. Trang. 0906.478.135
    Email: jobs@codeforcevina.com
    Other email: codeforcevina@gmail.com
    - CV should be sent us by English with your newest picture.
    - Please attach your porfolio with CV when applying to this position
    - Only candidates in shortlist will be invited for interview.


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