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Cần tuyển 2 bạn Video Editor/Producer

Chủ đề thuộc danh mục 'Tuyển dụng việc làm' được đăng bởi ThuyOanh Nguyen, 27/3/15.

Lượt xem: 1,661

  1. ThuyOanh Nguyen Mới đăng kí

    Công ty Lazada tại Tòa nhà Empress Tower - 138 Hai Ba Trưng - Q.1 đang cần tuyển 2 bạn Video Editor/Producer, làm việc full time tại văn phòng với mô tả công việc như sau:

    + Read the shooting script and work closely with content coordinator to develop storytelling techniques and understand vision for the videos.
    + Responsible for the whole production process from end to end including:
    - Organize shooting at locations.
    - Shooting.
    - Go through footage and select the most effective scenes based on their dramatic and entertainment value and contribution to story continuity.
    - Trim the segments of footage to the lengths needed for the film and assemble them into the best sequence to tell the story.
    - Insert music, record dialogue and adding sound effects.
    - Make revisions as requested and prepare the final cut for release.

    In order to succeed in the role, you should ideally have:
    &bulls degree in educational or media related field
    • 3+ years relevant experience and/or an equivalent combination of education and experience that demonstrates suitable preparation for this position
    • Must be able to share a portfolio of work demonstrating expertise and visual acuity with graphics and video.
    • Strong knowledge of animation, graphics and video production tools, knowledge of motion graphic, HTML, CSS is a plus
    • At least intermediate level in Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects and Flash
    • Knowledge of Sound Recording and Green Screen application

    Các bạn có quan tâm, vui lòng gửi CV và portfolio đến địa chỉ mail oanh.nguyen@lazada.com nhé. Oanh sẽ trả lời mail trong thời gian sớm nhất.

    Chân thành cảm ơn các bạn.


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