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Conversation Button under Avatar - Addon Xenforo thêm nút inbox dưới avatar member

Chủ đề thuộc danh mục 'Addon Xenforo' được đăng bởi Phạm Hữu Dư, 29/3/15.

Lượt xem: 8,223

  1. Phạm Hữu Dư phamhuudu.com

    Thông thường ở diễn đàn Xenforo, các thành viên muốn nhắn tin riêng cho nhau thì phải bấm vào avatar của người để hiện lên member card, lúc đó mới thấy có phần gửi tin nhắn riêng (Start a Conversation). Nhưng với addon sau đây sẽ tích hợp hẳn nút gửi tin nhắn ở ngay dưới avatar của mỗi thành viên ở các vị trí: profile page, postbit, member card, notable members page hoặc online staff sidebar block.

    Với việc tích hợp như thế thành viên dễ dàng nhắn tin cho nhau hơn :)

    Extra feature (options):
    • button shows only to users with appropriate permissions (Personal Conversation permissions)
    • highly customizable style properties for buttons + extra on mobile devices
    • show as FontAwesome icon in staff online block or in postbit beside username
    • open conversation form in an overlay; on submit you stay on same page (optional)
    • show/hide conversation button on profile page, postbit under avatar, postbit under user information, postbit beside username, member card, notable members page and/or in online staff sidebar block + extra on mobile devices
    • change phrase for member view, postbit, postbit avatar and online staff block button separately
    • autofocus on conversation title
    • set default conversation title when using overlay function
    • disable Font Awesome script if you don't use FA icons
    • ...
    See screenshots for more information about options.

    < on profile page >


    < on profile page on mobile device >


    < on postbit under avatar >


    < on postbit under avatar on mobile device >


    < on postbit as contact icon >

    < on postbit under user information >


    < on postbit under user information on mobile device >

    <on member card >

    < on member card on mobile device >

    < on notable members page >

    < in online staff sidebar block >


    < in online staff sidebar block as contact icon >

    < option to show conversation form in overlay without editor >

    < option to show conversation form in overlay with editor >


    < set permissions to groups to show button >

    < style properties groups >

    < style properties settings >


    < text for buttons are phrased >
    Edit conversationbutton_info_avatar_new phrase to change text for button in postbit under avatar.

    Edit conversationbutton_info_new phrase to change text for button in postbit under user information.

    Edit conversationbutton_profile_new phrase to change text for button on profile page.

    Edit conversationbutton_staff_new phrase to change text for button in online staff sidebar block.

    Edit conversationbutton_card_new phrase to change text for button on member card.

    Edit conversationbutton_subject phrase to change text for conversation title.


    • Tested on default template only
    • fix for other styles:


    1. Download and unzip it
    2. Copy content in 'upload' folder to right directory on server
    3. From your Admin Control Panel, go to the "Install Add-on" page
    4. Upload the xml file and click the Install Add-on button.
    *note: if you don't want to use Font Awesome locally, than you don't have to upload any files, just install with xml file

    Tải về tại đây
    (Phiên bản hiện tại là 2.4.2)​

    toanlove371 thích bài viết này
  2. dung3d

    dung3d Mới đăng kí

  3. Phạm Hữu Dư

    Phạm Hữu Dư phamhuudu.com Ban quản trị

    comy thích bài viết này
  4. dung3d

    dung3d Mới đăng kí

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