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[HCMC] - Urgently looking for Frontend Developer for Sunrise Software Solutions

Chủ đề thuộc danh mục 'Tuyển dụng việc làm' được đăng bởi hue_nguyenhoang, 21/8/13.

Lượt xem: 2,135

  1. hue_nguyenhoang Mới đăng kí


    • Transform PSD Design in stateofart HTML/CSS Code
    • Worked on HTML5 and CSS3, comfortable in div and ul based UI designing.
    • Illustrates concept by designing rough layout of art and copy regarding arrangement, size, type size and style, and related aesthetic concepts.
    • Keeping abreast of emerging technologies in new media, particularly design programs such as Illustrator, Photoshop, 3ds Max, Acrobat, Director, Dreamweaver and Flash;
    • Thinking creatively to produce new ideas and concepts;
    • Contributing ideas and design artwork to the overall brief;
    • Responsible for Responsive Designing, HTML5 / CSS3, W3C Standard, Mobile Application, Client Support, Creates Web Application interface and CMS Integration
    • Experience 2 - 5 Years
    • Knowledge of JavaScript/JQuery is must.
    • Strong hands on experience with tools such as Flash, Dreamweaver etc.
    • Should have working knowledge in HTML5 and CSS3 and done projects using HTML5 and CSS3
    • Should have done slicing of images using PHOTOSHOP or other tools
    • jQuery understanding and command over jQuery selectors and events.
    • Ability to develop web pages to function across-browsers, platforms and devices and to troubleshoot cross browser compatibility issues.
    • Be able to create various graphic images for the programmers team is a plus.
    • Graphic Design Skills, Layout Skills, Creative Services, Customer Focus, Creativity, Flexibility, Attention to Detail, Deadline-Oriented, Accuracy
    • Exceptional creative flair and design
    • Good time management and organizational skills
    • An understanding of the latest trends and their role within a commercial environment
    • Proven competence in design and image processing software
    • Knowledge of Agile (Scrum) software development lifecycle is a plus
    • Maintain uptodate knowledge of software development, discipline and software practices
    • Should have experience in Table less Designs /DIV Based layout Adhere to design and software development standards
    Application submission:

    E-mail your resume / CV in English with a cover letter and salary expectation to recruitment@s3corp.com.vn. Please remember to include the position title in the subject line.


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