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Hiring full time developer with basic knowledge about HTML, js & java – work at Go Vap dist. HCMC

Chủ đề thuộc danh mục 'Tuyển dụng việc làm' được đăng bởi KhuyenT, 18/10/17.

Lượt xem: 767

  1. KhuyenT Thành viên cấp 1

    Are you looking for a job that a degree or quality of your degree doesn’t matter?

    Only focus on your ability and attitude?

    And doesn’t require many years of experiences?

    HANO System Limited company is newly established in HCMC, is hiring a full time developer.

    1) Requirements/Preferences:

    + Male developer

    + A degree isn’t required (if you have, you still can show us if you want)

    + Good logic thinking. Basic programming skills. Basic knowledge in HTML, js and java.

    + Big motivation to learn and doing mobile app programming using web technologies and Javascript.

    + Experience in mobile app programming is a plus but not requirement.

    + Basic english: enough to read job-related articles. For speaking only basic skills are necessary. We offer training on the job.

    2) Working schedule and location:

    + Start asap.

    + Saturdays and Sundays off, holidays off as regulations of Vietnam government.

    + Office: 564/104 Pham Van Chieu street, Ward 16, Go Vap district, HCMC.

    3) Compensation: salary from 7-10 million VND/month for the first year.

    Raise is possible if the jobs are done well.

    4) Project you will be working on after being hired: working on a web platform for citizen science projects and developing some mobile apps using web technologies around that. The customers are located in Europe.

    5) Working environment: work directly with Mr. Hanh, and with a partner in Germany.

    6) Application and contact:

    Send your application (whatever express the best about yourself and your ability) to email address tukhuyen1608@gmail.com, include your phone number.

    We will contact you if your profile is suitable.

    If you have any question, you also can contact to above email address.




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