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Tổng hợp một số trang web cho download PSD miễn phí

Chủ đề thuộc danh mục 'File PSD' được đăng bởi Bùi Tài, 4/8/14.

Lượt xem: 25,314

  1. Bùi Tài Thành viên cấp 3

    Hôm qua lên mạng tìm được cái blog này chia sẻ lại cho các bạn nếu cần thì load về sử dụng, vì có nhiều trang khác nhau nên mình sẽ đưa link tổng hợp của trang Blog. Để chia sẻ từ trang chắc chiếm hết diễn đàn :):):):). Hy vọng có cái các bạn thích!.!

    1.) Photoshop Files

    2.) Designbum

    3) Official PSD’s

    4.) PS galaxy

    5.) Free PSD

    6.) devinatART

    7.) PSD Frebee

    8.) Download PSD

    9.) Pixey

    10.) Psd Protocol

    11.) For Designer

    12.) Designers Reolution

    13.) Lord of Design

    14.) Photoshop Candy

    15.) TopTut Psd Category

    10 Best Websites for Downloading Free PSD Files
    You’ll discover an abundance of free Photoshop PSDs available on the Web; you just have to look at the right places. PSDs can speed up your design process, and are great sources for learning new Photoshop techniques by studying other people’s work. In this post you’ll read about my top 10 favorite websites for finding free PSDs.

    1. 365psd

    365psd consistently publishes high-quality PSD files for you to download. Whether you’re looking for specific user-interface components like web buttons or entire UI kits, you’ll find it on this community-driven site.

    2. Brusheezy: Free PSDs

    Brusheezy is a premier resource and community site for artists seeking to find user-contributed free PSD resources. Though they’re most known for their Photoshop brush libraries, they have also have a huge collection of over 300 free PSDs.

    3. Premium Pixels

    Web designer Orman Clark is the creator of Premium Pixels, a top online destination for those in search of cream-of-the-crop, free design resources. You’ll find a big range of free PSDS on this site, like the Dark UI Kit (PSD) and even this 13-inch Apple MacBook Air PSD.

    4. Dribbble: Free PSDs

    You probably know of Dribbble already, an exclusive site for designers where we can share screenshots of our work. But did you know that you can find a lot of PSDs on Dribbble? A simple search using terms like "psd" and "free psd" will lead you to a ton of high-quality PSDS.

    5. Freepik: Free PSD Files

    Freepik, a search engine that helps graphic and web designers locate high-quality graphics, has a special section that indexes all the free PSD files they have on the site. Having served over 91 million downloads and having indexed over 1.4 million design resources — there’s a good chance you’ll find what you’re looking for at the site.

    6. Best PSD Freebies

    Best PSD Freebies is a website where you can discover free PSD design resources. It’s by Canadian web designer Michael Reimer, whom I’ve had the pleasure of working with through our partner site, Six Revisions.

    7. PixelBin

    What PixelBin lacks in the quantity of PSD freebies they’re offering (relative to the other sites on this list) the site more than makes up for in terms of quality. Though they only have around 30 free resources, they’ve already served 88,000+ downloads — a testament to the goodness of their PSDs.

    8. Designmoo

    Though Designmoo doesn’t strictly dish out free PSD files, it’s hard to write an article like this without mentioning this design resource site for two reasons. First is that Designmoo offers superior-quality design resources. Secondly, among the different types of user-contributed design resources they make available for free, many of them are PSDs.

    9. Free Photoshop Download

    This site collects and features hundreds of free Photoshop files that the sites owners have found on the Internet. Right now, they’ve steadily amassed a collection of over 200 free Photoshop files.

    10. FreePSDFiles.net

    This site has a wonderful hoard of free PSD files — templates, icon sets, UI sets, graphics, you name it, they have it. What I like about this site is that the PSD previews are nice and large, making it easy to spot the freebies I’m looking for.

    Meii Watanuki, hatay1712, Nguyễn Hân9 người khác thích bài viết này.

    DONG NGUYEN NGUYEN Mới đăng kí

    Cảm ơn bạn thật nhiều!
  3. letphung

    letphung Mới đăng kí

    cám ơn bạn đã chia sẻ nhé. mình là dân mới tập tành thôi. mà nhìn vào các file của mấy bạn share mà mê học luôn
  4. V.Q.Mon

    V.Q.Mon Thành viên cấp 2

    :like: mạnh lun <3
  5. Nguyễn Hân

    Nguyễn Hân Thành viên cấp 1

    Cảm ơn bạn đã chia sẻ nhé. Đang view dần xem mà nhiều cái muốn down quá :D

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