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    Loại bỏ thông báo
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Tuyển Designer

Chủ đề thuộc danh mục 'Tuyển dụng việc làm' được đăng bởi navia, 13/6/15.

Lượt xem: 1,578

  1. navia Mới đăng kí

    Salary $350-$500
    13th month salary
    15 days off
    Health care and insurance

    Produce compelling, engaging, user experiences that allow users to accomplish their tasks easily and efficiently. Achieve these goals while still fulfilling stated business requirements, project goals, and product vision
    • Work with various teams inside the company to understand product and process requirements and turning them into buildable user experiences
    • Collaborate with other teams to enable the design process encouraging productive dialog, and helping the design team to solve design problems as they arise
    • Participate and collaborate in concept development and design ideation for new product features
    • Contribute toward and employ established UX patterns and conventions in experiences tailored to target devices (desktop, tablet, phone, etc.…)
    • Produce design deliverables including user flows, sketches at various levels of fidelity, wireframes, journey maps, and other similar tools to demonstrate and to aid the validation of proposed design solutions
    • Document the results of design related meetings and document design deliverables
    Degree in human-computer interaction, interaction design or graphic design
    • 1+ years experience in user experience design for web or mobile applications
    • A passion to create simple and clean user experiences and interfaces
    • Demonstrated ability to learn and design for complex business tasks and supporting technologies
    • You are extremely ambitious with the desire to create something meaningful that has the power to impact people's lives
    • Strong online, or distributable, portfolio/work samples that demonstrate a high-level of proficiency in interaction design
    • Must possess good writing, presentation, and time management skills
    • Must be a solid, professional, team player
    • Ability to handle multiple tasks under tight deadlines
    • Experience in user experience design for web or mobile applications
    • Experience in Lean UX/UI, Agile development or similar
    • You have worked with startups


  2. mrvakavtt

    mrvakavtt Mới đăng kí

    Dear Navia,

    My name's Tài
    Here is my Email : caulacbobongro@gmail.com
    If you want to have Profolio and cv about me you can contact with me by this emial above

    Glass to see you


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