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Web Developer .NET (10 Positions), Salary Up To 1200$

Chủ đề thuộc danh mục 'Tuyển dụng việc làm' được đăng bởi Bui Thi Nhung, 1/7/14.

Lượt xem: 1,662

  1. Bui Thi Nhung Mới đăng kí

    NITECO is a fast growing IT Company with partners and clients in Europe, US and Australia. We are currently starting up several new development teams for our international clients, to handle our Microsoft cloud-based web technologies projects. For this reason, we are looking for qualified experienced people to join our company.

    Niteco is a 100% FDI company with over 110 people in the staff today and growing fast. We are only developing solutions for our international clients.

    Job Description
    - Take part in various projects for our international clients, mostly websites or e-commerce development based on Microsoft. NET platform
    - Join in all required phases from planning, estimation, designing, developing the implementation, testing, and deployment to maintenance.
    - It is beneficial if you have experience from agile processes such as Scrum, Kanban or XP.

    * Development environment:

    Our development environment is modern computer dual 22” screens running Windows 8.1, Office 2013, Visual Studio 2013.
    Job Requirement
    - Good at English

    - Candidates should have formal relevant education, at a minimum a bachelor’s degree with a major in software development or equivalent.

    - At least 2 years of professional experience with developing websites based on Microsoft .NET platform, i.e. C#, SQL Server, ASP.NET , WebForms and/or MVC. This also includes the use of relevant client side technologies, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, etc. . Strong skills on client side technologies will be an advantage.

    - Experience in Software architecture and patterns.

    - Experience in multi browser development support and building user interfaces that validates according to W3C, following the latest accessibility standards.

    • Additional experience and knowledge within these areas below is preferable but not required:

    - HTML5, CSS3, Windows azure, Amazon Cloud, Unit testing.
    - SharePoint, DotNetNuke, Umbraco, Drupal.

    • Benefits

    Successful candidates can expect competitive remunerations and a dynamic, conducive working environment.
    We believe that training and education is key to your and the team’s success, so we strive to create an open environment where we discuss our code, share ideas, and do informal code reviews. For this progressive idea-sharing environment purpose, you will be receiving relevant training on current and future technologies.

    Other benefits include:
    - Attractive salary and bonus package
    - Annual bonuses and monthly allowances based on Labor Law and NITECO policy.
    - NITECO – AON Healthcare insurance plan for all employees.
    - Annual company vacation and team building package.
    - Being a part of a competent team in an international company with a strong growth potential.
    - Working in a progressive environment and state of the art working space with dual monitors and a wonderful view over the Hanoi city skyline.

    • To Apply

    - Please submit your application letter and updated resume with “Web Developer .NET” in the subject line
    - Include your contact detail, phone number, current and expected salary.
    - Applications are processed on first come first serve basis and only short-listed candidates will be notified.
    - Unqualified application will not be returned.


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